SOLD to the art collector in New Jersey. As an artist, it is a joy to find a new patron who loves my work and know my paintings would be in the home of someone who appreciates my work. These paintings were purchased by the patron who has three young sons. His sons are starting to appreciate art and he thought my work would be a great introduction to them. Thank you to the Vedantam family for giving a new home to these artwork.

“Butterfly Kiss” by Hailey E. Herrera, watercolor batik, 16:X20”, SOLD

“Elegant Repose” by Hailey E. Herrera, watercolor batik, 18”X24” SOLD

“Morning Solitude” by Hailey E. Herrera, watercolor batik, 12”X16”:, SOLD

“Bucking Rhythm” by Hailey E. Herrera, watercolor batik 18”X24” SOLD